Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of the Year

So this isn't exactly a bi-weekly update but it is a lot better than last time! With classes being out for the time being, I have gotten a decent amount of work done as well as spending some good quality time with my wife and the rest of the family. As of right now, I have the first of three sequences laid out and cut to time with sound. Rather than post it in sections, I am probably going to wait until I get the other two sequences blocked out and cut together so I can post the layout work in it's entirety. I know that I definitely have my work cut out for me especially if I want to get these shots laid out before classes start up again on January 9th. Nevertheless, I'll be sure to post my work up as soon as I have a full working-cut.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well, So Much For That...

It's been about four months since my last post, four months! I really do wish I would have updated sooner, and it was my naive understanding that my storyboards would be done soon after that last post. However, with starting the fall semester, I was introduced to a new faculty member, John Ludwick. I wasn't too sure about him at first, but he's a really great guy who really knows what he's talking about. I started showing him my early storyboards, and, while they were okay, they weren't really telling the audience what they needed to know about the characters. So, they were mostly scrapped in order to start anew.

Several months down the road and a few revisions later, not only have I finished the storyboards, I also have a rough cut animatic! I've really been trying to develop this according to my own vision while taking guidance from John to make sure I am hitting the important beats of the story without missing what makes the tale unique. Here's the link to the animatic: it's password protected so anyone interested can only get to it through this blog (or word of mouth); the password is "thesis." I am about to launch myself into the world of layout over winter break. I know I've said I'll do something over various breaks before, but I really can't beat around the bush with this anymore; I've got some friends of mine who are starting to invest their time and effort into this, and it really is incredibly reassuring to know that I have their support in this incredible endeavor.

In an effort to build a stronger online presence, as well as document my progress, it is my goal to more regularly update this blog from at least a bi-weekly standpoint with hopefully some videos on with my progress. If you have any feedback or questions at any stage of this, please feel free to drop me a line.